What's your favorite system?



Kitchen Server

A homelab server built in Rust which serves recipes as webpages. Find it on GitLab.

Kitchen Server is on 0.7.0 as of now. After reaching a stable release (1.0.0), I start planning on adding a lot more features to take advantage of the digital platform, such as timers, recipe proportioning, and potentially developing a platform to exchange and store recipes.

Skills: Rust, HTML, GitLab CI, CI/CD, Docker, Testing

Fun fact: The original version of the project was in Python.


A pet project to analyze the words I use in my blog posts and find outliers that can help guide me towards tags to use. Find it on GitLab and crates.io.

Currently on version 0.0.1, the project is really in its infancy. At the moment, it only counts the number of words in a file.

Skills: Rust, crates.io, CLI tooling

The Garver Toolbox

A set of Bash utilities I want to make available to myself wherever I go. Find it on GitLab.

This project was inspired by my experience of booting up a new Raspberry Pi install and being reminded that I have to add aliases like ll again. I learned quite a few things about Bash as a language while I was working on it, but it’s been sitting on the back burner for months while I’ve focused on my other projects. When I pick it up, I’ll definitely be giving it a thorough overhaul.

Skills: Bash


Life in Tension

Life in tension is a Christian invitation to engage with the full complexity of faith, life, and people.

This blog serves as an outlet for some of my thoughts about my faith and those who share it. I try to encourage readers to put in the effort to truly understand the beauty and complexity in people, God, the Bible, and the culture they live in. Toward that end, I also try to challenge readers to identify their blind spots.

RAW is a WordPress blog theme design inspired by the Brutalist concepts from the homonymous Architectural movement.

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